The Gate of Principles.
An emotional gate of the solar plexus. This gate has a lot of nuance and depth. It is the gate of principles and if those principles are crossed to undermined there is upheaval and revolution in order. People with the 49 take their word very seriously. If they vow to do something or they set the standard and have principles they require be followed they do not like when they are not. People with the gate have a potential awareness of who and what is needed in the tribe and who or what is not needed for the tribe to maintain its community.
This gate has a natural sensitivity to it that can show up in a number of ways depending on the line. in its detriment this gate can manifest as oversensitive and can have you really taking to heart things that are not for you to be oversensitive about. You may feel a nervousness about whether or not the support will be there if you state your principles. Or if the resources will be there for you to uphold your principles. This is where you might find you've set silent principles or expectations on your relationships that you haven't actually informed the other bout. You have a real drive to up and walk away at the failing to respect your principles or boundaries. With this ability to basically walk it is best to remember to share your principles with your loved ones so they are not blindsided with a complete revolution if they do not uphold them.
Also know as the gate of the 'breeder or the butcher' this gate has a sensitivity or and insensitivity to animals. The potential to connect spiritually to the animal realm lies in this gate or otherwise, be totally insensitive to the animal realm.
Have you set your principles in your relationships? more importantly have you told the person you are in the relationship with your set of principles?
*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.