How are you designed to see the world?

Rave Psychology is the fancy pants name for the arrows of the right hand side of your Human Design chart.


The Rave Psychology arrows are concerned with the conscious design or the personality (the PASSENGER). The top right arrow is our motivation; how we are designed be called to action and be an authority for the others. We can only reach this true and correct motivation through viewing the world correctly. That’s where the bottom right arrow comes into the picture. It is solely concerned with view; we are so unique in how we view the world and how we are to correctly give our view of things. Your VIEW colour is the number in the circle that is placed under the arrow.

Radical differentiation begins on the left (body) side of the chart. The PHS system is all about eating correctly and placing our bodies in their correct environments. You are less susceptible to conditioning and more able to follow your strategy and authority when you are correct in you PHS. Once you have aligned with your PHS THEN and only THEN will you be in your correct position to view the world as you are supposed to. With this correct view you are then about to give your perspective and are correctly motivated. Its a chain reaction.

Okay, lets break View/ Perspective.

Everyone is designed to view the world differently. When correct and operating as our unique selves we could all witness the same event and all give totally different accounts of what occurred. Here’s the catch... ALL of them would be correct. In society today we see buckets and buckets of homogenising tools in the media to try and sway our view so that we are all seeing through the same lens. It’s just not supposed to be that way. Each and every person’s unique perspective is needed to enlighten other in some way shape or form. The way you view the world directly impacts your behaviour and the actions you take. It impacts what your motivations are and how you give your authority to others. Seeing with the correct view allows you to act/ move/ behave and give correct outer authority. Transferred view/perspective is the apposing way to view the world. When you are not in your incorrect environment or not in alignment, or being pulled into a distraction by another, or by the transit program, you will slip into transference. this is when you being to give outer authority (your perspective and opinion) that is not correct.

It’s important to know we do not align with our nodal view and STAY there.. actually as Ra say’s we spend A LOT of our time in transference. The trick here is AWARENESS. To be able to catch yourself in your transferred view and observe yourself. Having the awareness of whether you are in your correct view or in transference is the most important part of all of this.

The views transfer as follows; If your view colour is 1. SURVIVAL then in transference you slip into 4. WANTING. If your correct view colour is 4. WANTING then in transference you slip into 1.SURVIVAL.

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Side note;

Left facing arrow- Your view and perspective is a focused one that will see details in that perspective.

Right facing arrow- Your view and perspective is peripheral. It is going to see the broadest possible potential for that view..



Seeing priorities & risk.


4. Wanting.

Seeing what is missing.

2. Possibility.

Seeing what is possible.


5. Probability.

Seeing what is probable.

3. Power.

Seeing environmental dynamics.


6. Personal.

Seeing though your own lens.