COGNITION - The Super Sense.

You are born with a super sense. Everybody is. When your brain is operating at its full potential and given the right conditions to thrive in, an extrasensory part of your body is unlocked and is able to be utilised. Cognition is deep in the substructure of the differentiation variables. It’s deep because there are a few prerequisites that need to be actioned before you reach your cognitive potential as a human on this plane, in this experience.

From the moment we are born the homogenisation process begins. Conditioning us to eat a certain way, live in a certain way, believe in a certain way and see the world a certain way. In the process of this conditioning we burry deep within ourselves our uniqueness, we override our body intelligence with the mind and discredit our inner knowing’s over and over as imagination or make believe until those parts of us just do not show up anymore. To uncover and access these parts of ourselves we need to begin the process of radical differentiation. Living the life we are designed to live, playing the role we are designed to play and walking through this experience with complete trust in our body’s consciousness.

Radical differentiation begins with supporting our brain system. Once we are eating correctly and optimally digesting the next step is to be placing our bodies in their correct environments. Once your brain is able to begin deconditioning and your body is in regular environments it thrives in, you are now really liberating your body intelligence. In this liberation you unlock and are able to access your COGNITION. You cannot unlock your cognition without radically aligning with strategy and Authority. Simply understanding it WILL NOT be enough.



Truth Seekers.


4. Inner Vision.

Heightened Inner Process

2. Taste.

Experience Through Dabbling.


5. Feeling.

The Vibes Barometer

3. Outer Vision.

The Eye of the Beholder.


6. Touch.

The Midas Touch