The 64 gates in the Human Design System are derived from the iChing & they coincide with the 64 codons of our DNA.

Each gate is housed in an energy center and so it carries with it the underlying theme of that energy center. I.e Gate 1 & 2 are housed in the G-Center the underlying theme of these gates is about identity and direction. Each gate has an amino acid attached and can be correlated directly to the specific 64 codons of DNA. While each gate has a specific theme, the nuances of each gate are far more complex than just 64 different potentials. Each gate lives on a line between 1 & 6 of the iChing. The line that the gate is living on gives us a little more in-depth information as to how that particular gates energy will show up in our lives. Each gate that is activated in your chart also has been touched by a planetary alignment 88 days before you were born (the red side of your chart, the design/ unconscious) or on the moment of your birth (the black side of your chart, the personality/conscious). This is how two people can have the same gate but it shows up slightly differently for each person. These little intricate differences alter exactly how that gates energy will show up.

Here we unpack the general theme of each gate.