PHS - Environment.

The PHS (Primary Health System) is the fancy name for the red arrows on the left side of your Human Design chart. These two arrows are concerned with the unconscious design, or, the BODY. The top left arrow is our digestion/ determination arrow; how we are designed to nourish our body. The bottom left red arrow is concerned with environments; where we are designed to flourish and thrive. Each arrow holds a colour, tone and base nuance to it. Your environment colour in your design (red side) is determined by the placement of your North and South Nodes. Your tone is determined by the way the arrow is facing.

Radical differentiation begins with supporting our brain system. Once we are eating correctly and optimally digesting the next step is to be placing our bodies in their correct environments. You will be less susceptible to conditioning and more able to follow your strategy and authority in your correct Human Design environment. Placing your body in the correct environment will give you and instant sense of well-being. You will feel comfortable and nourished immediately.

Lets break it down….

The environments are broken into two categories. Hardscapes and Landscapes. Hardscapes are more concerned with the actual space and what is available there. Landscapes are more concerned with the energy or interaction within that space.

Colour is the overall environment type (caves, markets, kitchens, mountains, valleys, shores). Tone is the next level of nuance that occurs i.e., You may be a CAVES colour environment type, but depending on the arrow you will be wither caves selective (left) or caves blending (right).

Left facing arrow- Your correct environment will energise you. You are to be observed in your environment being active (not to be mistaken for physically active).

Right facing arrow- Your correct environment will relax you, clam you. You are the observer, the watcher. There to absorb and take in the activity around you.



Security, safety, predictability.


4. Mountains.

Escape, perspective, retreat.

2. Markets.

Selectivity, options, pickiness.


5. Valleys.

Relationship, intimacy, sharing.

3. Kitchens.

Collaboration, gathering, cocreation.


6. Shores.

A new, a threshold, a visual expedition.


This short audio will assist in unpacking the environments further into their Hardscape or Landscape category.