How are you designed to be motivated?

Rave Psychology is the fancy pants name for the arrows of the right hand side of your Human Design chart.


The Rave Psychology arrows are concerned with the conscious design or the personality (the PASSENGER). The top right arrow is our motivation; how we are designed be called to action and be an authority for the others. The bottom right arrow is concerned with view; we are so unique in how we view the world and how we are to correctly give our view of things. Each arrow holds a colour, tone and base nuance to it. Your colour is the number in the circle that is placed under the arrow.

Radical differentiation begins on the left (body) side of the chart. The PHS system is all about eating correctly and placing our bodies in their correct environments. You are less susceptible to conditioning and more able to follow your strategy and authority when you are correct in you PHS. Once you have aligned with your PHS THEN and only THEN are you able to begin true and correct alignment with the RAVE PSYCHOLOGY personality side of your chart.

Okay, lets break motivation down …

Your motivation colour is your correct call to action. The thing that makes you take a form of action and display a certain behaviour that is actually correct for you. The correct calls to action lead you down the correct path of opportunities and experiences that are for you to experience in this life time. I explain it this way because many things will call you to action, including the not-self! The not-self will always make you get up off ya bum and move/ do/ fix/ create/ lead. Now those ‘things’ that motivate you from the not-self are called your transferred motivation. They will still lead you down a path and you will have an experience however its a side track from your correct and aligned path.

It’s important to know we do not align with our motivation and STAY there.. actually as Ra say’s we spend 70% of our time in transference. The trick here is AWARENESS. To be able to catch yourself in your transferred motivation and observe yourself (whether you immediately stop your next move or whether you carry on and see it through) having the awareness of whether you are in your correct motivation or in your transference is the most important part of all of this.

The motivations transfer as follows; If your motivation colour is FEAR then in transference you slip into NEED. If your correct motivation colour is NEED then in transference you slip into FEAR.

Motivation and Transference.

Motivation and Transference.

Side note;

trajectory- this is a much deeper part of the HDS that I will eventually get around to unpack for you all. It is the underlying tone of your motivation colour. Which trajectory it says on your chart is what you are heading towards your always start in the opposing one.

Left facing arrow- Your motivation is a call to action for you that serves yourself.

Right facing arrow- Your motivation is a call to action for the other. It brings something to the other.





4. Need.



2. Hope.



5. Guilt.



3. Desire

change action.


6. Innocence.
