Your Investment is

$7.99 a month. and you will NEVER be locked in.




It’s that simple.

The HD Hub + is a comprehensive resource capsule I offer to the wider public. You will have access to Human Design self-paced study resources, my content, my creative self-expression, my masterclasses/ workshops, my musings AND all the nitty gritty experiment bits in between.

You will find information, embodiment, creative self expression, snippets of my own personal experiment, the highs and lows, the entire process. You will not find fluff or sugar coating (soz).


What’s here…

The HD HUB is a combination of :

  • Content/ Resource Library for unlimited self paced study.

  • My creative self expression.

  • Masterclass Access.

  • Downloadable resources.

  • A very abundant all-inclusive resource library to learn and study the Human Design system.

    Foundations - Type, strategy, authority, the energy centers, gates, channels, not-self and signature themes, circuitry, definitions.

    Advanced- Variables colour and tonal information- determination (digestion), environment, perspective, motivation, cognition, planetary activations.

    Readers- Basics on how to read the chart, giving a reading, reader ethics, synthesis and things to look for in the chart.

    Embodiment & Integration- Be in Biz journey, Parenting by design, Meditations, sound journey’s. Interviews with people living their designs.

    Creative self expression- A written word, a spoken word, bite size snippets of my own personal process.

    Shame workshop- recognising shame and working through shame triggers to better access your true self and release conditioning.

    Downloadable Resources


  • Just entering into the HD HUB is an experiment in following your own strategy and authority!

    To be empowered in your own choice we have absolutely NOBODY locked in. This gives the power of choice back to your body's innate wisdom. This at its core is what the entire Human Design experiment is about. No lock in, and certainly no hard feels if you come and go. No worries if you decide to stay forever. It's completely up to you. Let your authority decide if it is correct for you.

  • You want to raise your child by their design. You are new here & excited and want a taste. You are looking for variety. You are wanting information + integration. You are looking for practical strategies or activities that you can implement. You are wanting a self-paced style of learning. You are looking for an accessible investment. You recognise my ability to transmit source material and as a side dish you’d like to experience me in my own personal experiment.

    I know how much having an understanding of Human Design's has contributed to our experience as a family unit, how I am in business.. and well, in life in general.

    With this system we have an awareness of the differences in each other's inner worlds and even better, we have the language to be able to explain to each other what's happening internally in any moment for us is a powerful tool. I simply want to share my take on it with you.


The HUB is;




Seeds that organically grow in this space are tasty when they hit your palate, simplistic for ease of understanding & moorish to receive.

I don’t believe in making this life any harder.

$7.99 a month, come in & check it out, stay if you like, leave if you don’t. It doesn’t get much easier.

All prices are in AUD…. here is a conversion tool.

catch me on the ‘gram.