The Direction of the Self.




Did you know this is the YIN-ist (not sure that’s a word) of all the gates. Mmm to receive, receptivity...this gate's energy is all about being open to receive and then create action in response to what you've received. The energy here is open and waiting to be in response. Once you receive resources or opportunity you have a strong inner knowing of what direction to move yourself in. This gate is rooted in the G-Center after all. its the home of direction and authenticity. In its detriment this gate can have the trait of spending money, it’s like it burns a hole in your pocket and as quickly as it comes in, out it goes- underlying issues with receiving perhaps!?

The rebellious side of this gate shows up as you trying to do, force, push, hustle, grind in order to find a direction to move towards or hustling to gain resources, losing the aspect of receptivity. If this is the case, chill, open yourself to receiving from the universe and the people around you and see what comes your way. (Hot tip- In order to receive you gotta create a space to be able to receive into yeah, can’t pull new car into a garage full of old junk mate).

In its highest expression you will be very good receptivity and at navigating your inner direction towards what is correct and aligned for you. When you do so this energy spills out and empowers others, giving them a nudge to follow their own inner direction. You have a knack for assisting others find their direction in order to get back on track or to redirect themselves.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate One


Gate Three