The Gate of Self- Expression.




Did you know this is THE Yangest of all the gates! With it you demand attention through expressing yourself creatively. This is the gate of all things creative and creativity, whatever that means specifically to you. It is the only TRUE creative gate in the entire chart. But it’s a very individual type of ‘you do you boo’ creativity. You create in your own way and let your self-expression shine. You have the potential to attract the fangirls because of your unique creative identity. The energy of this gate wants to create in a big way and with a unique style.

Now, you may be a little sensitive to criticism of your creations because what you have showcased to the world has etched in it part of your identity. Just know that the criticism (may it come or not) has nothing to do with your creation or your identity, or even you for that matter. Haters gunna hate.

The exalted (joy filled) expression of this gate shows other people that they too can create in their own unique way and not to worry about what anybody thinks, as long as it’s unique to you, it’s perfect. Go you good thing!

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Two