The Gate of Ordering.




The energy of this gate is all about your ability to be a changemaker. The challenge here is gate 3 energy is a little confused about how, when & what order to have mutation occur. That's what change is right? a mutation of something. It's sacral go-getter energy wants to change things up. Not just in your own life but also in the lives of the people around you.

However, transformation doesn’t happen overnight and if you find yourself rushing, or your rushing others to make big changes, cool your jets! Hold your vision and let the changes that need to occur go through the phases they need. Think of this gate like baking a cake. You don't just whip the batter into the oven and WHALAH a fluffy sponge pops out.. there's a baking period, there's things bubbling and mutating under the surface before that fluffy sponge can come out the oven. This is the confusion that lives in this gates energy. In the day and age of uber eats we want our cake before the cake tins even started to warm.

There is an on-off pulse associated with this gate. When the pulse is on; initiate mutation and make changes in the order required, when the pulse is off; let the dust of the previous change settle, let the mutations that are occurring under the surface bubble away before trying to force more action. Your the inspiring person who creates change in others simply by allowing change and mutation to occur in your own life.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Two


Gate Four