The Gate of Formalisation.




Conceptual Processing Gate - the struggle to come up with an answer.

Awareness Stream - Stream of Understanding (Potential to formulise)

Gate of Fear - Fear of chaos

Gate of Anxiety - Anxiety over Doubts

Genetic Codon Group - Valine (59,29.4.7)

Other Keynotes - The Gate of Answers, Doubting Thomas, Suspiciousness.


This gate is your drive to want to find the answer, find the solution, fix the problem. You love nothing more than someone handing you a problem you can sink your teeth into. With this gate's energy you're not just looking for any old answer, but THE answer. You will search for an answer until you know it and once you know it, it sticks. You have answers for everything and people around you can come to you when they are looking for an answer, what a gift! Now it is important to remember here not to place your identity in being the 'answers guy'. There can be a real pressure felt here to come up with an answer especially if the head center is open and amplifying pressure down towards the ajna.

This gates energy can place your worth on finding a solution, don't do that to yourself. Use your Strategy and authority to determine if you even need to be searching for an answer right now.

A couple of tripwires be be aware of with this gate; firstly, is that the answers you have are YOUR answers, not necessarily fact or a solution, and may not be the answer the other person is looking for. Secondly, discern if the person is actually looking for a problem solver or if they are just wanting you to hold space for their ranting. Your inner authority will assist you here.

Parenting children with this gate transiting:

There is a lot of loaded mental activity present with this gate.

You may witness children feeling pressure to make sense of things, to have their questions answered and to sort through all the chaos in their minds to find some solid ground to stand on (or believe in). They may present as able to give answers to everybody else’s questions but struggle to make sense of their own questions.

They may have an answer drop in that they have been struggling to get for a long time.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Three


Gate Five