The Gate of Fixed Rhythms.




People with this gate’s energy like patterns, routines, rituals, daily schedules, you feel like your day runs a whole lot smoother when these patterns are in place. Don’t think that this is just because you love a good routine. The bigger picture to this need for order is because it keeps you in a natural rhythm that maintains momentum throughout your day. This gate is rooted in natural rhythms and cycles. There is a deep recognition of the natural patterns that occur in our lives, and people with this gate in their design have the ability to recognise the pattern and fix it in place so that it becomes routine. These patterns or routines don’t necessarily need to be strict ones. It’s like you always start with that cup of tea and the day flows from there, you miss that cup of tea and for some reason the reason of the day is out of tune, out of step, out of time. You are more productive and in flow for the day when it’s running to your schedule. Because this is a sacral energy gate it sees you physically carrying out your routines in a pattern like systematic order.  You may become addicted to the pattern and routine or try to force a certain routine in your life but the energy here is no to establish patterns through the mind. This gate is rooted in the sacral, the body. Its about making routine and schedules with the natural tempo that's already occurring. You can feel a bit out of sorts when the routine gets thrown to the wind, you may feel uneasy and in search for that stable pattern, you can become a little controlling or impatient. Know that patience, timing and trust in the natural order of things is the highest expression of this gate.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Four


Gate Six