The Gate of Friction.




This is the most complex gate in the solar plexus- it has links to our biological PH levels, the law that growth cannot exist without friction and the basic idea that humanity cannot survive without reproduction. This gate in your design is a powerful motor to do your bit for humanity and procreate (hint, hint, wink, wink). Now in saying that.. this is the motor only (the awareness,) this motor still requires the fuel from the sacral center and its harmonic gate (59) for the channel of mating to exist. So this gate is more about awareness than action. Awareness of intimacy, bonding, who is in and who is out, and so its energy cycles through a fairly subtle emotional wave while it decides whether to bond with the other or not. 

So after all of that, how does this gate look IRL- You’re someone that perhaps without being aware of it, has the ability to affect others around you with your mood. You can create a conflict situation out of nowhere and then get rather defensive of yourself. There can be a fear of intimacy with this gates energy in your chart. Maybe your not ready to reproduce, maybe you don't actually want to reproduce so causing conflict and defending yourself is the only way to express this gates energy. Maybe, your in a partnership that you know deep down isn't going so well.

This gate has a gift to be able to penetrate into the others aura and lock on! Underneath it all, you want to know if that person has potential to bond with you or not. This gate knows that friction is needed in order for change to occur; and so you can lock on to someone and be a little tactless and conflict causing without really knowing why your causing such friction- its just an energy. Mastery in this gate is knowing to check yourself and your emotional state before creating a friction like situation. Awareness and coming from a place of love and neutral emotional state when creating conflict is the way to go here. Sometimes brushing things off and keeping the peace is the best course of action.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Five


Gate Seven