The Gate of The Role Of The Self




Rooted in the home of our identity and direction this gates energy has all the ability in the world to lead. It is a gate of guidance, direction and wanting to share that with the collective. It is important to note that this gate is the directional pull, not the actual voice of the leader. It is more the fuel burning in the belly of the leader that fuels their momentum. The actual leadership role is the 31st gate (this gates harmonic- the voice of influence). If you have the entire channel you are an alpha. If you only have the 7 you may feel the call, the pull, to lead and guide but be a bit shaky with expressing that. Gate 7 is the support team behind the leader. It is iOS to apple. Without it the leader cannot lead.. so ya know .. its pretty darn important. Now this is not to say that you cannot be a leader! This gate was born to lead, it is just a different type of leadership.

I like to think of this gate as the ‘Hey Siri’ gate. If you think of Siri she is always there when you ask for help or guidance, but she doesn’t go around telling you what to do. With this energy you can be seen as the lighthouse. People are drawn to your individual unique way of giving guidance, direction and support but just like the lighthouse, you must allow them to come to you.

The low expression of this could be feeling like a bit of a loner, feeling like nobody will come for guidance and then trying to change yourself to be more appealing. Another way this gates energy exists the body in a not so productive manner, is going out chasing down people to lead. A needy drive to be the person that everyone else follows.

In its highest expression, this gates energy leads itself. You are true to your direction and honour the pull to walk your own path, leading yourself first. It is a forward looking gate that looks ahead and says "lets check this road ahead out, it looks straight and the road looks in good condition" then off you go leading yourself up that road until somebody asks where it is you are going, you don't have to worry about trying to influence anybody else to join you. This particular energy is ever ready and willing to guide and direct when asked. Trusting that the right people for your particular type of guidance will come is this gate's highest expression. Stay true to who you are and let them come to you. 

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Six


Gate Eight