The Gate of Contribution




Hello throat energy! This gate wants to make a statement in a big way. It wants to contribute to something, get into the thick of it and help out. You're the person saying “How can I help you with that? Have you thought about this? Have you tried that?”. This gate holds immense ability to make a contribution, however, here's the kicker... it cannot do so in a logical way (like "hey guys I think we should....") nor can it contribute in an abstract way (like "hey guys.. I remember when...") nope, nope, nope.. the contribution this gate makes is deeply rooted in being your unique self and letting the fangirls follow. Gate 8 says "well.. I'm going to be doing it this way" then it gets up and leaves, those who are supposed to follow will, and those that do not were never meant for your type of creative expression.

This is the design of a creative role model. In its lowest expression this gate gets stuck trying to force creative ideas to contribute to the collective. You don’t have to force anything here, this gates energy is best received by others when you walk your talk and be the example of how things can be for the rest of the community. In doing that they recognise you, and those that are energetically correct will recognise what it is your bringing to the table. They will invite your contribution and you will know when to step in and do your part.

The idea with this gates energy is to first gain people's attention by doing you boo, then secondly promote your agenda, cause, idea, or product by role modelling it yourself.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Seven


Gate Nine