The Gate of Focus




A sacral gate is always going to have an action behind it, it's a motor right, so this gate cannot help but move people to take action. The action gate 9'ers love to take is to focus on the finer details.

The theme here is focus. Now lets clear one thing up.. focus is not concentration. Focus is giving something attention. Concentration requires stillness and focused attention. This gate alone, has focus but not necessarily stillness. It can feel a bit like a bug flying around the room. Your trying to focus on the bug, but its constantly moving and your having to re-focus and re-focus and there's a restlessness involved. You cant stop the focus but you also cant stop the restlessness. The good news is, with this energy you have an ability to focus on the things others don’t always see. You were born with an eye for detail. You're the person that could find one spelling error in a 10,000 word document (I'd better spell check this now).

In its lowest expression you may find yourself obsessing a little too much over details and the need to get things right. There is also an aspect of restless obsessive thinking here, especially if the head center is open in conjunction with this gate being activated. These are the people who make sure things run smoothly in behind the scenes. They can easily find the errors and flaws and know how to fix things and make it better. It’s that strong attention to the details type of trait. No stone is left unturned. Try to find joy in your attention to detail. Your restless focusing may be consistent but your choice of what to focus this energy on is completely up to you. You can focus on the muck and nit-pick the finer details of your life to pieces or you can look for the finer details that bring you joy. The detail of a passionfruit flower, the detail in the pattern of your puppy dogs fur, the length of your child's eyelashes.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Eight


Gate Ten