The Gate of The Behaviour Of The Self.

HARMONIC GATE: 34, 57, 20



Primary Role Gate - the 6 behavioural roles

Gate of the Vessel of Love - the love of oneself, the lip of the vessel, through which life pours

Gate of Melancholy - the melancholy that no one else knows how to behave

Mystical Gate - 'The Li' - The love of the Way

Gate of Sexuality (Caring) - Self Love or not

Design of Forms - Love as Form and Beauty (plants)

Other Keynotes - The Chameleon, The Winter Solstice

Genetic Codon Group - Arginine (25,17,21,51, 38,10)


This gate is the most complex in the g-center as it hold the potential to create 3 different channels and is the self-expression that is injected into all three. The phrase 'you do you boo' is the mantra of this gate. It really is about love of the self and acceptance of the self. The potential that lives here is when you do you, you empower others to do the same. It is a powerful conditioner and influencer for those that come into contact with you. You can empower others to love and accept themselves just as much as you love and accept your unique self.  This thread of self love is then able to weave its way into a love of living and being alive. “I am who I am, and that is all I need to be”.

So that was all love and light and rainbows right... the flipside, you can imagine how easy it is to fall into the lowest expression of this gate; blame games, victimhood, pinpoints everything that’s wrong in their lives, always thinking when X changes, then I’ll be happy, self hate, self sabotage, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, the typical downward spiral. If this is the case for you its time to wade through what's underlying here. You're a miracle, your uniqueness is your brilliance, there is only one of you. There's your shot of self love.. here's a bitter chaser... who do you think you are not to step into the fullest version of yourself? after it took generations and generations of perfecting your bloodline enough for you to be born exactly the way you are only for you to decide not to be that?! lean in... just be you. Love yourself for who you truly are, accept your uniqueness and individual expression for the absolute gift that it is. Once it is no-brainer for you to live this way only then can you truly empower others in the same direction. 

Gate 10 is where all of the profile behaviours are derived from. If you read through the 6 lines of gate 10 you will find they are the same as the 6 profile lines.


Do you have this gate on a different line to your profile lines? Is there an additional behavioural role for you to now consider?


They may have a new additional behaviour they like to dispaly (depending on the line that the gate is in and their own profile lines)

They may be more introvert if the 10.1, 10.2 is in the transit. They may be more outspoken and externalising practical solutions if the 10.4, 10.5 is in the transit. You may find they bump into a lot of things, or break some bonds on a 10.3 day.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Nine


Gate Eleven