The Gate of Ideas.




This gates ability is a conceptualising type of energy. It's housed in the Ajna, an awareness center, so that is the main function of this gate.. to frolic around in the playground of awareness and conceptualisation. Its particular flavour of conceptualising is preparing ideas and possibilities from our stored visual memories. Now remember this is an awareness energy not an action type of energy. Gate 11 is prepping, wrapping, packaging and putting a pretty little bow on your ideas and concepts ready to deliver them to the Throat center to be spoken into form.

This gate is part of the sensing circuit and its method of forming ideas is just that, sensing. What do you remember from an experience? what did you sense? it's an abstract process you're drawing on to form your internal beliefs. You are more likely to remember and hang onto the senses you really liked. These them become your ideals, beliefs and then your belief system over time.

With gate 11 in your chart it’s like you can have 100 ideas one minute and then 2 the next. In its detriment this gates energy can feel an emptiness or lacking that comes with a lack of stimulation from ideas, visions or beliefs. You may feel like nobody values your ideas or really forcing your ideas on others to feel a sense of security.  We can get caught up with this gate thinking all of our ideas are worth action, attaching to them resulting in high pressure or expectation to have these ideas come into fruition. With all of that its imperative that this gate is used in accordance with your Strategy and Authority otherwise your ideas can fall on deaf ears or you will find they will be stolen and claimed by another. When operating correctly your ideas are golden, you know that. You also know that they are YOUR ideas and not actual facts. Your able to have the idea form but hold no need for it to BECOME something grand. Ideas come and go.. and really without the harmonic gate 56, this is where they are supposed to stay, as a pretty packaged idea, all done up with a bow on top, ever ready until gate 56 comes into the auric field then it will find its energetic way to the throat and out into the world, usually by the way of saying "I believe that..."

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Ten


Gate Twelve