The Gate of Caution.



All gates in the throat are about action, doing, manifesting, except this one. There is an energy here that makes this voice want to standstill. This is the gate of social caution and so it speaks with caution. Shyness is usually how this gate appears in real life and there is good reason so. It's a gate of the knowing circuit, attaching the emotional solar plexus to the throat. The knowing here is when to speak and when to proceed with caution.

The ability to restrain yourself and your message is a real gift with this gate. By restraining from communicating, ultimately its your mood that is being restrained by gate 12 and should really only be unleashed with the correct following of your strategy and authority. There's a standstill in your communication while your message takes it's time to mature. If you’re not in the mood for sharing, and you do so, your message may come across as an immature one, a moody one, an emotionally charged one, and not be received the way you intended. You require impeccable timing with this gates energy.

When in the mood, this is the gate of the ‘ultimate wordsmith’. You have an energy available to you of knowing when to speak or not to speak because you have an inner knowing if you’ll be heard or not. You can be extremely articulate and draw people in with your wording and almost seduce them while you speak. Lowest expressions of this gates; you don’t speak at all, even when you perhaps should say something, you may come across as shy. You may hold back speaking your truth. On the flipside, the rebellious side of this gate says whatever it wants whenever it wants verbally spraying its mood all over the world. 

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Eleven


Gate Thirteen