The Gate of the Listener.




This ones a doosey, it's a part of collective circuitry, but more specifically the sensing circuit. Its the gate of the listener, Or as I like to call it the “tell me all your secret’s sticker, stuck to your forehead”. You are someone people know will listen; it is an energy you give of.  You can find yourself in the line-up at the post office  and someone will start telling you their life story, or about that surgery they had last week, or how their latest love interest has the same shoes as you, or whatever... they start word vomiting on you, including all their secrets. You may mean to go to a social gathering minding your own business, but that won’t last long until someone has hooked into your magnetic aura that unconsciously mines stories from everyone around you. Its not just words that your able to hear from the other though, its a sense, it's the meaning behind the words also.

What are you to do with this magical gift?! Well.. this is the ultimate question right. Your one hell of a story teller with this gate but you are going to have to also be one hell of a story keeper as well. Packing those secrets and stories away in the memory to be drawn on when a direction is needed is how the abstract way of the sensing circuit works.

Its probably best to use your strategy and Authority before you go repeating anything that gate 13 has mined out of the other. Where this gate trips up and shows its lowest expression is sharing others secrets instead of holding onto them. Highest expression of this gate is that ability you have to hold space for a person really needing to vent or be heard. This gate listens intently and only offers direction advice when they know it is invited back.

Don’t underestimate the gift of this gate. You are healing people, helping them find their purpose, their direction in life and healing them through your acknowledgement of their story. This being said- you can exercise your freewill and remove yourself when this gift becomes too fatiguing.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twelve


Gate Fourteen