The Gate of Power Skills.




I like to think of this gate as "The Bank of Dad". Hanging off of the sacral motor this gate is a powerhouse when its in response. Possession in great measure is its keynote and that is exactly the energy this gate brings.. Possession of power (power being material things, finances, wealth, wealthy connections) through skilled interactions (work).. in other words... money for work! Its a money making workhorse! This energy in a chart usually means that the person is doing OK financially and that they will always have the financial and material abundance they need to be taken care of in life.  You have without a doubt the ability to generate great financial reward when your commitment and energy is applied in the right direction. In response to projects or endeavours that bring joy to your life.

In its detriment, it has this delusion that you can throw money at problems, or it may act like scrooge McDuck and try to not invest in anything/ or anyone. It can have you turning your nose up at the skills of others thinking that you are the expert and deserve all the reward (G'day Arrogant Andy).  It its highest expression, well SHOW ME THE MONEY!!

Make no mistake this is not blind faith that money will be drawn to you energetically by putting crystals in your bra and wishing upon an incense stick, there is an element of work involved here. What “work” is, what that word means to you, is entirely your choosing. The beauty of this gate in your design means if you are in response and are working doing something you enjoy that is also serving the collective you will be rewarded. This gate has a motto; "passion projects with the universal good in mind can lead to prosperity".

Now if gate 14 is the bank of Dad, its harmonic gate, gate 2 is the directive of Mum! Dad's working, mums directing funds. That's the general gist of this gate and how it works in the channel know as "the channel of the beat". Once the finances have been made by the energy of gate 14, gate 2 then knows the best way to direct those resources to empower the collective. Just like the Bank of Dad, the finances generated here are not really for Dad's benefit. It's an injection of wealth that is used to make a contribution to humanity.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Thirteen


Gate Fifteen