The Gate of Extremes.




Rooted in the G-Center, this gate has the theme of identity , direction and love. It is the ultimate gate of marching to the beat of your own drum. Someone who does their own thing, in their own time, own way, all day everyday. You are able to model this to others and show them that just because society tells us to be normal and live by routine and patterns, you do not have to conform. As a part of the collective circuit its love for humanity is accepting the full spectrum of behaviour. Gate 15 has a big beautiful look at me type energy. Look at me going against the norm, look at me accepting diversity, look at me accepting other people without judgement- yet its very modest in its approach to this.

A good tip to remember with this gate in your chart is that the beat of your drum does not always stay the same. The beat changes with seasons and cycles and that's exactly how this gate like to operate. One month you are extremely slow and humming along, the next its a techno beat and you're bouncing through the days. Rhythm and cycles are a huge part of what this gate is about... notice I said rhythm not routine. Rhythms flow, and change and mutate, routines are rigid and ordered. Most gates have a BFF (their harmonic other that makes the channel), this is one of the few gates that actually is super uncomfortable with its bestie Gate 5 (who is disciplined and loves routine and order). Gate 15 is extreme in its operations. Busy, then not busy. Early bird, then a night owl. Gate 15 colours outside the lines, while gate 5 is neatly shading its colour coordinated way through life.

Lowest expression is trying to conform to societal norms of needing a solid routine and pattern in our daily lives in order to be successful and happy. This can lead to your not-self theme.

In its highest expression this gate's energy has such a powerfully magnetic aura, it enters a room before your do, people feel your presence, hear that beat of your drum, you shine bright in your uniqueness and are here to do exactly that. This gate knows it's okay to have some sort of seasonal routine but doesn’t get stuck needing a restrictive schedule and allows themselves to colour outside the lines. 

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Fourteen


Gate Sixteen