The Gate of Skills.




This gate brings you the energy of “screw it, let’s do it” enthusiasm. Experimenting and figuring out the details later. It carries the energy to leap out of bed and get truly excited about our creative endeavours. If this gate was a skydiver it would jump first and worry about putting the parachute together on the way down. At first it might be a little hairy and reckless. But after repetition and constant experimentation, the once terrifying skydive becomes a practiced skill and a practiced skill becomes a talent.

This gate is all about you being able to communicate enthusiasm or not. The Grinch and the Cynic both live in this gate, both of which serve a very good purpose. They are that voice that says "well, that's not going to work", its a refusal to blindly share in the enthusiasm that others are expressing. Remember this is the gate of skill and a design of talent. This gate has foresight to discern the true potential in projects, pursuits, and people. Those with the Grinchy/ cynical side of this gate want proof that the skill or talent being broadcasted is actually worth their while getting enthusiastic about. This gate resides in the throat and so gives you a voice to speak out loud about what ventures you feel are worth pursuing with your enthusiasm and which are not worth your energy.

The BFF of this gate is the gate of depth and so without that gate (48) you may feel as though you lack depth and expertise to use your skills. (Hilariously, the 48 is worried they don't have the skill to execute their depth of knowledge). In its detriment you may constantly need others to confirm your skills or talent or can be compulsively cynical or the opposite so enthusiastic that you may be trying to express fantasy as fact.

Experiment with the energy of this gate if you have it... get enthusiastic about something random and see who in the room jumps onboard your enthusiasm express!

This is the gate of skills, not so much depth, so there is youthfulness in our excitement here. People with this gate are naturally skilful people. In its lowest expression this gate can be a little reckless. You may not think things through before you leap which can sometimes lead to some small and some huge learning experiences, but if that’s the worst that can happen they hey! I say leap! In its highest expression this gate brings a fresh outlook, a youthful playfulness, and enthusiasm to your communication. 

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Fifteen


Gate Seventeen