The Gate of Opinions.




This gate is a part of the collective circuitry, more specifically the understanding circuit. The possibility here is to be able to organise that which the mind has sprayed out all over the table into some form of logical opinion or concept. The crucial thing to remember with this gate is that these opinion have merely just been formed, they are fresh and new and yet to be proven. Gate 17 is the hypothesis creator. Hypothesis are a proposed explanations based on limited evidence. The energy of this gate in your chart means you have ideas that are different to others, hypothesis that are waiting to be trialled and tested. With any newly formed concept, there's and excitement and you want to share that with the world. You' re able to be strongly opinionated with this gate, yet hold a safe container for a healthy fair debate to occur while opinions are tested by others. "forceful yet fair" is this gates catch phrase, if I was forming a debate team, you'd be my first pick!

Timing is everything with this gate, hold onto your opinion, your idea and your way of doing things until the right timing presents itself. Your opinion is going to be received a whole lot better with correct timing. You will know when you’re in the lowest expression of this gate because you will feel as though your opinion doesn’t matter, or that your opinion is the only way resulting in stubbornness, being opinionated and closed off to the ideas of others. Remember this is an opinion, a young hypothesis, your idea, not everyone's idea or everyone's view point. This isn't even motor energy or throat energy for these opinions to be voice.  In its highest expression your opinions are correctly placed into the world with a curiosity for having them proven through trial and testing over time. Ultimately, you're looking to form a logical proven foundation that can withstand testing and criticism, adding to collective mastery.

This is an Anja gate so we are dealing with awareness potential here only, no motor energy to do anything with this, no throat energy to voice this idea/ hypothesis you've formed... simply an opinion has been formed. The energy of gate 62 around you (or if you have the channel 17-62) is needed for the formed opinions of this gate to land correctly.


How do you provide your opinion to others?

How do you react if one differs with your opinion?

Do you notice a different when your opinion targeted at a specific individual rather then the collective as a whole?

Do you have a platform to share you opinions?

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Sixteen


Gate Eighteen