The Gate of Correction.




This energy can be exceptionally challenging and  tricky to manage and master, but once you have it down it is an absolute superpower. It is your ability to correct and perfect things, people, situations, systems, traditions, all things. This is a splenic gate so there is an underlying theme of instinct and survival. It’s has an underlying instinctual fear that it may never be perfect, you may never reach perfection, that your work or business or creative piece still isn’t quiet perfect.

Fun fact, this gate is where we receive the deepest conditioning from our parents. Did they judge and strive for perfection? Did they judge others for perfection? were they always tweaking? Now that's not necessarily a negative thing if you put it into perspective. To know what is correct for you, you have to have been conditioning with a certain standard, and anything less than that standard is deemed incorrect. When this gate is defined a certain level of standard has been established deeply within you though parents or caregivers. It is with this conditioning you are able to measure things up in comparison and very quickly discern if they are up to standard or not. When its up to your standard, it becomes your flavour, your tastes, the things you fill your home and world with are your tastes, all up to a certain standard. When the thing is not up to scratch, instinctively, the potential for correction is sparked.

Your need to perfect and correct can come across a little harsh especially if it has not been invited or recognised. Cut yourself some slack, it is hard to watch others doing things in less than perfect ways, to see faulty systems, when you know exactly how to make it more ‘correct’ and you can’t say anything to fix it unless you are recognized or asked! Rule of thumb here is “do not give your judgement/ opinion or fault findings unless you have been asked”. 

You know when you tweak something a few times and finally you get it to the point that it’s perfect… ahhh that joy and satisfaction of finally getting it right down to the perfection point. That feeling is what this gate is always striving for.

This gate is somewhat of a nuance when it’s looking inward at yourself. It’s not an individual circuitry gate. Be careful that your not picking yourself to pieces trying to perfect yourself all the time. Your need to perfect and correct can come across a little harsh especially if it has not been invited or recognised. Timing is everything when dishing up a raw plate of perfection tweaks. Rule of thumb here is “do not give your judgement/ opinion or fault findings unless you have been asked”. 

This gate is a crucial part of the understanding circuit (which is apart of collective circuitry). There's a massive clue in that sentence about how the energy of this gate is actually used in its highest expression. Understanding, perfecting and correcting what has been spoilt for the collective. What's old, outdated , not up to standard and how can we burn that all down to make way for the corrected new and improved! If you turn this gates energy on yourself.. well its going to be a life long process of feeling like you need to improve. Now that can be either empowering or disempowering... I'll let you decide.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Seventeen


Gate Nineteen