The Gate of Wanting.




This gate is fully loaded and very layered. To keep it succinct will not do it a lot of justice but I'll try. It is apart of the tribal circuit. Think support, being supported and giving support. It is root center potential so think drive and adrenalized pressure. The drive for making sure support in our communities exists and that people are supported in their companionship. This gate is the fuel for the sensitivity process.

There is a sensitivity linked to this gate that, when defined it can mean you are susceptible to all sorts of sensitivities. Skin, energy, noise, food and touch. In relationships you are sensitive to emotional honesty. You want to feel wanted and like you’re an important part, worth fighting for. You have a sensitivity to this because you are able to recognise that in others and sense their need to feel needed and wanted. There is a line of this gate known as "the sulking child" (line 6), and just like a sulky toddler, you may sulk until someone soothes you with attention.  In its detriment this gate can show up as an interdependence,  moodiness, condescending, a pressure to be accepted which can see you loosing your true identity. The opposite of sensitivity is insensitive and well, that's no badge of honour.

When this gate is in its exalted form there is a driving force here that benefits your whole community.  You are hardwired for companionship, cooperation and togetherness of a tribe. You are willing and able to be of service to the tribe, you also may be hardwired to provide food for that tribe.

Having an awareness of this sensitive gate in your design helps you remember that you are important, you matter and you don’t need to be anything but yourself to receive love. This gate also has links to binge eating, emotional eating, and eating disorders. The moral of this gate is to learn strong boundaries in your sensitive nature. Sensitivity is 100% needed and crucial to communities. When there is a vulnerable sensitivity brought to light in a group, it enables the group to go through a revolution, a cycle an evolving and an up levelling of that tribe.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Eighteen


Gate Twenty