The Gate of Now.

HARMONIC GATE: 10, 57, 34



Existential Expression Gate - clarity/action that can be instantaneous

Voice - I am Now

Genetic Codon Group - Leucine (42,3,27,24,23,20)

Gate of Melancholy - discomfort with the world as it is now

Dreamrave Key - Sight (Light Field)

Mystical Gate - The existential manifestation of the Way

Gate of Sexuality (Caring) - Gate of individualism - caring for oneself or not

Design of Forms - The power to individuate/The Hum (insects)

Other Keynotes - The Eternal Now.


Throat energy is like the finish line in Human Design.. you can get there with integrity or well, you can drag yourself over it a little untidy and wishing you could start the race again (aka; word hangover). All energy in the chart is trying to make its way to the throat to be expressed. This particular expression is speaking intuition. It is not rehearsed, scripted and practised communications. When the 20th gate speaks the message is the most potent and powerful when it comes from intuition, instinct, contemplation and awareness. It speaks deep contemplation into now moment knowings.

There is no past, there is no future for this gate.. its simply states "I am".. "I am here"..." I am me"... "I am now". This doesn’t mean you speak your now moment truth like some crystal ball gypsy to every man and his dog "I have a message from your dead grandmother" no! stop! that's not intuition speaking. This gate is more so about the contemplative state that drops you into a now moment awareness, than it is about the actual speaking. Firstly, strategy, authority and timing are pre-requisite of exercising this gates gifts. Secondly, this gate has nothing to say unless its in a state of now moment awareness. When in alignment, grounded and invited to share you have the ability to drop now moment truth bombs that empower others.

As a part of the individual circuit, this gate is the voice at the end of the stream of awareness, it is also the voice of the integration channels. If there was ever a unique individual go against everyone else expression, its this one. The keynote for the individual circuity is empowerment. It is through our individuality we empower others. Individuality is unusual and it takes time for a true outsider to contemplate their uniqueness into an empowering knowing that can be share with others.

This gate is the end of the line for purpose seeking, the struggle of "who am I, and what am I doing here?". Your purpose is never found in the future or in the past. Your purpose is found in the now, through your individuality, your uniqueness of who you are. Trying to explain you individuality to another is hard right. The explanation of your unique knowing either see you turn into the freak an are ostracised or they see you accepted and transformed into the guide having some knowing that is of value to others. So you see this gate it speaks your individuality into knowing that is than able to be mutative and evolutionary. Without individuals speaking their now moment awareness we have no evolution.


Take note if it (gate 20) is activated alone or if it is connecting to another in the integration circut. As the observations will be different if this throat gate’s energy can make its way to either the g-center or spleen. If reaching the G you may find this child has a lot to say or do regarding their unique self-expression, controlling their own direction. If it is reaching the spleen you may see some stagnant illnesses that have been lying in the spleen start to want to leave the body and are now able to that the spleen has a motor connected to it.

You may find the child is noiser, lounder, speaks more during this transit.

You may find they are more active and busier in general.

You may even witness them using the word NOW! everything has to be right now, done now, move now.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Nineteen


Gate Twenty One