The Gate of The Hunter/ Huntress.




The gate of the control freak. Kidding, kinda.  Everyone who has the 21 activated must be allowed to exercise their power to be in control when it is energetically correct for them to be. No other gate has more potential to control than this one does. This is the only gate that is correct to exercise its control in alignment with strategy and authority. Does this mean you get to supress, demoralise, incapacitate others with your controlling nature, nope. The control that deeply seeded in this gate is actually for your tribe.

This gate is in the tribal circuit. It is the gate of the heart muscle itself. The heart muscle fires up while the willpower is there and then it wants to rest. That right there is the whole reason this gate wants to exercise its need for control... to ensure it gets to rest. Furthermore, its tribe also gets to rest.  Do you think mum is rushing everyone around the supermarket, slapping hands and controlling what goes in the trolley and what doesn't for the fun of it?! Nope, she's trying to get everyone home to rest. Tribal circuitry is all about support. The control of this gate is best used in efforts that support your family, friends, network. This gate has the most powerful ego and provides the willpower to make sure that the community has what it needs.

When you meet this gate in another there is two options; surrender and trust that the correctness of their control is actually for your benefit, or just as the keynote suggests, bare the full force of the gate 21's bite as they make their way through.

It takes a great deal of awareness and understanding of this gate if you and a partner both possess it in your charts. It can be a constant tug of war for control. Where this gate trips up is when this ability to control is exercised with people or situations that are not yours to direct. You must be recognised and accepted by the people in your life that you need to be in control of for this gate to be in its highest expression. Utilise your authority to determine which situations, people, projects, tasks are right for you to take the reins on. In its lowest expression, I'm sure you can already imagine how this gate presents in its lowest expression. Controlling, a victim of the need to be in control, or the exact opposite, completely submissive and scared to exercise this ability to control a situation or tribe of people.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twenty


Gate Twenty Two