The Gate of Openness




Sometimes referred to as ‘The Gate of Grace’. You can complete everyday tasks and chores and make it all look graceful. This is a gate of the solar plexus and so it comes with its a specific emotional wave. Just like any emotional wave it has the capacity to move a room of people. Kings and Queens rely on their reputation to gather loyal followers. Just like a member of royalty you have a grace about you that is charming and enchanting. And, just like a King or Queen, you have the ability to take the whole kingdom down with you. Now this doesn’t mean you never get to have your moments of dummy spitting and meltdowns, just be aware and know that it will have a greater impact on those around you then you might realise.

Do not be fooled by this gate's charm and enchantment. It is a gate within the individual circuit. Not tribal- the grace and openness is not to bond and form relations. It's not collective; so it's not openness to share and reflect. Its individual and its selfish. It is an environment setter for the individual to be able to take the stage. Think of this gate as mood lighting... if I set the mood right and then drop my strangeness on you all it will be far better received than if I just roll up and slap you in the face with it.

You enter an environment and this gates emotional wave makes sure you are remembered. I guess you need to ask yourself what it is you want to be remembered for. A graceful encounter where your uniqueness is recognised and empowering, or a disgraceful rendition of Whitney Huston while dancing on the table type of encounter. You have the ability to condition the room with which you choose.

You really should only engage in emotional situations when you have the energy to do so, when you are less emotionally charged and when you are able to uphold your state of grace. This gate also means you are a great listener, you can invite people in to be real and raw and honest with you. You have a gift to be able to hold the space for them to do so and for you to receive them fully.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twenty One


Gate Twenty Three