The Gate of Assimilation




Genius or freak. There's no in between with this gates energy. Where a gate connects the throat to the mind there is the potential for the individual to translate the knowing in their mind to language that explains it in a way others can grasp. You're either going to sound like a complete freak, or what comes out of this gates mouth is taken as pure genius. Your ticket to genius town is in the invitation,(regardless of your type) this is a projected gate, without an invite for your knowing's you're on the fast track end up in not-self-ville.

People with this gate can come across very direct and a little blunt at times but they are usually people who are here to shake things up anyway. This is individual circuit energy and so this gate has the ability to communicate insights, awareness and new ways of thinking so well that it sticks with people. It opens up the doorway for a mutative process to occur in the other. This gates besties is gate 43 the gate of insights. If you do not have the 43 you may just be sprouting out " I know this" and "I know that" without an actual valuable knowing that's going to play a part in that mutative process. If you have the whole channel - wait for an invitation, and away you go.

This gate is all about individual expression to eliminate intolerance, attract the right attention to impart your knowing's and empower others to establish a new order. You've got a killer idea, you've thought it out, you know its going to empower the other to change something that's going to make their lives more efficient… now the question is when will the correct invite occur? without it you're Doc Brown from Back to the future sprouting on about something called a flux capacitor.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twenty Two


Gate Twenty Four