The Gate of Rationalising



You have a love for pondering and rationalizing. It’s like a constant rewind and review in that head of yours. You can split hairs until the sun comes up in the right company. Now just because you have this amazing gift to rewind and return it doesn’t mean you have to use this ability all the time. It’s frustrating for you (I bet there are times you feel like you’re a broken record) and can be frustrating to others when your hair splitting is constant.

This is not the original thought download, this is not speaking your thoughts, the energy of this gate is rationalising, conceptualising, mulling over. Think of making a smoothie; if your thoughts were the fruits, this gate is the blender. Remembering the energy here is just the processing, its not the speaking. The highest potential of this gate’s energy is knowing that the mind likes to process new material and new thoughts and should be kept open to new possibilities. As your thoughts resolve into a new concept you are left with a great new rational view on things. A delicious banana smoothie so to speak.

In its detriment there can be a real fixation in the rehashing the past. Trying to rationalise past mistakes by trying to justify them. Or irrational suspicions that end up seeing your loosing out on opportunities. Ultimately, this gate is a behaviour that returns and returns and returns until the penny drops. If the merry-go-round of rationalisation has become tiresome it may be time to hop off the ride for a bit. Don't worry you'll hop back on soon enough.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twenty Three


Gate Twenty Five