The Gate of the Spirit of the Self




You are literally a warm hug. The end.

There is a potential here to love all existence without discrimination. This gates energy emanates an innocence that is likened to a child's. Unconditional love of all thoughts and actions, now that's ultimate universal love and it is just beautiful to witness. No matter the circumstance, there is an innocence maintained and that is empowering to others. It is healing for others to witness this. Your presence is an energetic healing warm hug.

The energy this gate brings is such an amazing gift it is powerful beyond measure. When this gate is activated you are the embodiment of love. It is not in anything you say or do, it just is, and when people are around you they feel it too. It is not in your nature to hold grudges, in fact sometimes you may struggle when the world appears a cruel harsh place, it’s not something you understand very well because you cannot and do not have the ability to live in the world that way. You are naturally on the forgiving side and can see things from all sides, giving people the benefit of the doubt. You hold the healing energy of love with this gate activated and have the ability to heal those around you energetically.  

Let’s look at this gate as if it was Beauty and the beast. This gate, 25 is Belle.. it’s counterpart gate 51 is The beast (the competitive, comparison) side of the human ego) Belle sees straight through that furry fuzzy exterior straight to the core of the beasts heart and that is how 25 shows up in the world. Does that mean gaining some scars along the way, yep. Does that mean people will try to take advantage, yep. You may have to spend some time licking your wounds with this gate because some a-hole slapped you out of your innocence. Don't get caught up in the fight that is a need to be healed by another. Find your innocent way of viewing the world again, you are the healer here. Your a lover not a fighter and it is through that love you empower others.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twenty Four


Gate Twenty Six