The Gate of the Egoist




Ever heard that saying " You need a good memory to be a good liar".  I think whomever said that quote must of had this gate. Now I'm not saying that if you have the 26 you’re a compulsive liar! I'm saying yes, you have that ability but that snot all that's going on here. Lies are often just a small manipulation of a memory, and that's what's really going on here. You have the ability to take in someone's memory and ever so slightly manipulate it. Manipulate- isn't that a word that gets a bad rap. At its core; to manipulate is to influence or handle a situation in skilful manner- that's all. So you have the ability to take a memory or a situation and influence it in a skilful manner. But it doesn't end there. This is where this gates nickname "the trickster" comes in. You have the gift to be able to weave that skilfully adapted memory/ story/ lie (call it what you will) back to the person or into the situation in a way that can influence the outcome. You’re the person who could sell ice to an Eskimo.

The 26the gate is a part of tribal circuity. Many may assume that the abilities of this gate are selfish ones but they are actually in support of the tribe. You can take a situation within the group that's about to cause an uproar and soothe everyone with a slight twist in the story before it all gets out of hand.  The behaviour here is actually using the ego to preserve the continuity of the tribes performance. It's like - Keep Gary entertained and Steve on his side and we'll win the match. If Steve knew what Gary really thought of him they won’t play well together, so I'll just skilfully influence the whispers here to ensure everyone plays nice today.

It is highly important to follow your strategy and authority when dealing with the energies of this gate. Too much manipulation of a memory to a point it’s no longer believable and straight up lies (think: sleazy salesman) are the shadow expression of this gate. You have the ability to have a hidden agenda if that is how you choose to operate, however you run the risk of reputation damage as this gate is tribal energy, word amongst the tribe travels fast. In its highest expression this gate gives you a very skilled energy to gather fragments of a situation and create a solid story that you can sell to the crowd whilst maintaining integrity and grace.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twenty Five


Gate Twenty Seven