The Gate of the Caring




Otherwise known as the Mum gate. This gate is very early tribal behaviour. Survival of the tribe requires a massive commitment to protection, nourishment and care. Anybody with a new-born baby knows just how much of a commitment raising our young can be. All those nappies, all that feeding, all those sleepless nights.. yuck. Anybody in there right mind would not subscribe- unless tribe, family and preservation of the species is important to you, then all that burden is excused. This gate resides in the sacral because, well, how else would we maintain the energy it takes for the years of energetic sacrifice it takes to rear our young.

It is nurturing energy, the need to care and take care of one another, but also this gates energy wants to be taken care of. It is about providing nourishment, education and protection and guardianship. 

In its exaltation Mummy27 knows that the greatest gift of the tribe is that the tribe is aware, that the children are aware, that they’re educated, and educated properly to be able to uphold the values of the tribe. There’s a lot to shoulder with this gate and within that comes a great level of responsibility. With this gate always comes a reminder to prioritize self-care for yourself, we all know how easy it is to put others first but people with this gate can really struggle with giving themselves some care and nurturing especially if the sacral is exhausted. For this gate to be expressed in its highest form your self-care comes first and then you are able to nourish and care for your tribe.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twenty Six


Gate Twenty Eight