The Gate of Struggle for Purpose.



The game player .

You know them video games where you get to pick a cool avatar with a tight body and you get 5 lives to try and conquer some badass mission. There’s two way people play this game right.. they go hard, do all the risky extras and smash out their lives until they complete the mission. Or there’s the other way.. they tiptoe through the levels, cautiously avoiding any risky situation wondering if they will ever find the end of the level. This gate is like that.

This is the struggle to find value in life beyond just surviving. Residing in the spleen there is an underlying fear here that life has no meaning.

People with this gate are those “ oh it’s the story of my life” sayers. They are the ones who run out of fuel on the highway to work, so they catch a taxi to the petrol station to discover its closed for an extra hour, and have to pay the taxi driver to wait. Or the people who leave their ID in the car in the long term parking at the airport and are on the plane when they realise they will need it at the other end of their flight to hire a car. (can you tell I have this gate in my chart yet). There is ALWAYS a struggle going on, your always in the final level of the game with one life left!

If you don’t follow your strategy and authority with this gate the struggles really can get you down. Life seems unfair and harder for you than others. If following your S&A the struggles that occur are easier overcome with the knowing that they are all divinely places for your growth and journey towards a meaningful life. Mastery comes when the struggle becomes fun, you enjoy the challenge can truly be grateful for the hurdles knowing they lead to deeper meaning and purpose.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twenty Seven


Gate Twenty Nine