The Gate of Saying Yes




Here we have sacral energy, what's that tell ya? (hint; it's best in response). It's response is "YES, I'll do it", "Yep, I'll be there", "yeah I can bring that", "sure, I'll donate my time". The YES MAN/WOMAN gate. This gates energy is the one that has you feeling the need to say yes and commit. Now its not the gate of commitment, its the gate of perseverance. When it answers yes, it commits its energy to something or someone new, and will persevere to the depths of the cycle of discovery that commitment brings where others may have quit. It is a design of succeeding where others fail because well it just doesn't throw in the towel. When the going gets tough.. well you know the rest. It's perseverance is for a discovery, a revelation, an experience.

This gate is a part of the collective circuit. It needs an experience to reflect on to share with the collective. By committing and persevering through an experience you are able to have something to reflect on and therefore something of value to share. "I remember my first job was mowing lawns and all through the long hot summers I mowed those lawns, I persevered and became the best lawn mower kid in the street " totally a Granddaddy sacral story, but you get the picture.

Those who carry this gate need to pay close attention to their inner authority before they dive in and say yes to anybody/anything/ any situation. It is best to wait until they are quite clear about if it is truly right for them to invest their energy because once in they are all in and will persevere until the end.

The moral of this story; take a beat before you jump in and say yes to connect with your inner authority, and take stock of the commitments you are currently persevering your way through, the very well may become your wisdom to share.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twenty Eight


Gate Thirty