The Gate of Recognition of Feelings




The collective sensing gates are always out for an experience. They want to experience something so that they can reflect on that and have something to share with the collective. Nothing wants to have an experience more than gate 30! It's the gate of passions & desires. It has the drive to seek and find new experiences and nothing gives us a more unpredictable experience than an emotional one.

The wisdom of this gate teaches us that life is not what we expect it to be. You may love to predict the outcome of your experiences. Let me assure you, every time you play the 'predict & expectations card', gate 30 sees that card and raises you one. When the outcome of the experience isn't as expected, this gate produces an emotional wave that I like to call - The Jenga. It's all up and up and up and life's dandy until there's an unexpected occurrence and BOOM it all comes crashing to the floor. There is a fear associated with this gate; it is the nervousness about what might or might not happen and therefore trying to control the experience. There can be a bit of an intense, dramatic approach to life which you can burn yourself out with if you are not aware of your need for this emotional expression. 

Highest expression of this gate is knowing that the only control you have over an experience is the clarity with which you enter into it.  By entering into things with clarity and releasing expectations and surrendering to your fate of what might or might not occur you will receive the lessons and learnings that are correct for you. Your strategy and Authority will ensure the desires that tempt you, lead you to the experiences that are 100% correct.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Twenty Nine


Gate Thirty One