The Gate of Leading




Throat gates are either connected to a motor and are all about speaking into action, or they are not connected to a motor and are more or just a verbal statement that may or may not have power. This is one of the latter. Being a part of the collective circuit, the leadership that's embedded in this gate is forward thinking and logical. You have the ability to influence the crowd with what direction is next best to take. It's your ability to pin point a pattern that's not working and say "righto, this is the way we've been doing it and it doesn't work so lets try it this new way". Because of its highly influential nature it is, of course, only fair that it is a projected gate. Without an invite for the leadership you can come across arrogant, self-righteous and a bit like the politician who is sprouting all these changes that nobody really gives a hoot about investing their energy in.

While this voice holds a certain tone of authority to it... it’s not the voice of ‘listen here b!tches, this is what we are going to do”. Rather the voice that says “okay, there is a dissonance in the system here, lets look at this solution”. In its highest expression you influence by listening to the collectives needs, then using your gift to influence them in the direction they are wishing to go, not so much the direction you wish for them to go. The gift of this gate is natural, influential leadership where you are recognised as a leader, not where you have self-appointed. This gates mantra should always be “how can I be of service here?” the group you are leading will tell you how they want to be led. Now remembering with great power comes great responsibility. Fatty Arbuckle was one of the very first recorded influential people, endorsing a pack of ciggies in 1905 and accumulating a massive following. Whoops. Influence does not just have to be speaking. There are many influential writers, singers, comedians, actors... in fact there's a whole profession now of insta-famous 'influencers' exercising this gates behaviour and how it has evolved over decades.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Thirty


Gate Thirty Two