The Gate of Continuity




The most conservative of all the tribal gates, this one is deeply concerned with material resources and the business side of continuously generating resources for the tribe. This gate lives in the spleen, so... ya'know.. it comes with its complimentary splenic fear. The fear of failure, not that you as an individual will fail, Your idea might fail, your dreams might fail and therefore the tribe might fail. When it is heightened you may fail to distinguish between healthy ambition and become a fear-driven workaholic. Pushing the envelope to hard to make that big dream a reality out of fear of failure. 

With this energy you have the ability to recognise when a venture is going to be successful or a flop. You'd make a great 'start-up investor', with your instinctual awareness for a dream worth perusing. The next 'get-rich-quick' scenario is always buzzing around. The issue is- this gate is simply the intuitive knowing whether its a dream worth pursuit, not the actual energy to get it up off the ground. Truly this is a gift for the tribe not the individual.

People with this gate are naturally good at adapting and enduring as they navigate the changes around them while keeping their eye on the goal. Wisdom and intuition are used as risk assessment tools. Just like a sailor can sense the slightest change in weather coming and adjust their sails, the 32nd gate can sense shifting circumstances in their world. If you have this gate defined in your design you get a little twitchy when big change is coming. You can feel it brewing. The gift of this gate is through instinctual smell. You can smell failure coming and know when change must occur to survive. If only Blockbuster Video had this gate when Netflix was being built. This gates besties 54 is full throttle, foot down driven to succeed. 32 pumps the brakes on 54 and says "woooahh up bessie, something needs shifting and adjusting before we go ahead". Without 54 there may be this knowing of an action to take but no actual drive to take it. 54 without the 32, well that's a turbo jet without a flight path.

If you have the 32nd gate do yo have an eye for generating resources?

Can you feel when a massive change is about to enter your world?

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Thirty One


Gate Thirty Three