The Gate of Privacy




“Once upon a time, you possessed natural energy for storytelling…”. this gate can hold onto the most epic tale and whip it out exactly at the right time when the people who needed to hear it the most are present.

There is an ability here to retreat and reflect on your experiences and events, storing them in the old brain box before moving on and then being able to speak about them for the benefit of sharing the wisdom you alchemised from your experience. It’s like you're the collector of memories, there is a memory database inside of you. You tuck them away in your pocket to later revisit and hash out what the lessons and learnings are. Before this energy can be expressed, there must be a period of time to collect thoughts in order to structure them into a story. But boy when the story gets told, you have a way with words that draws people in to listen.

Unforgiveness for yourself and for others, holding onto the past and rehashing experiences internally can come within this gate. Forgiveness often comes after the release of the experience, and the release often comes with the sharing of the wisdom and lesson learnt. So wait for the correct timing and release what needs to go. Know that you have a powerful gift in talking about your memories and experiences once you have integrated the lesson and learning from them yourself. 

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Thirty Two


Gate Thirty Four