The Gate of Power.



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Or as I like to call it, the gate of the independent multi-tasking ninja. It is the busiest, most capable energy in the chart or it is NOT. There is a real need for people with this gate defined to grasp that last part. OR NOT!. Often people with this gate are told that they are just busy people. This can be true, but it can also be true that they are very very NOT busy as well. This gate carries an enormous amount of power, but only in response. So when you are responding to life, responding to people's requests or responding to invitations that are correct (by correct I mean their authority has approved) this gift goes into full power mode and you are able to have 12 things on the go at once, 8 different tabs open on your computer screen and three different phone conversations happening. The more the things light you up, the more in the zone you will be. Feel into your inner authority to know what tasks to add to your ever growing list. Now, it also doesn't have to be a variety of things. This gate can go into full power mode just to complete one task.

There is an energy that accompanies this gate that has no compulsion to engage with the lives of others, it's a bit of a lone wolf energy. This is because of the power to achieve that underlies this gate and you're happy to go at it alone to accomplish your goals. You're an energetic shot into the arm for others to achieve and when your energy is added to a team or a project, everyone steps up a notch. Use your authority to discern if it is going to be too energetically taxing for you to drag the entire team over the line with you. Be aware that you're a powerhouse and hone the level of power that you bring to situations. There is no point cracking a nut open with a sledgehammer, but you also don't want to be prising it open with tweezers either.  

This Gate is the only one in the sacral that has nothing to do with mating or reproduction. Its power is not for the reproduction of humanity. It's power is for the self, the individualisation, the drive to express ones uniqueness.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Thirty Three


Gate Thirty Five