The Gate of Change.



My kid has this gate. I watched him put his monster truck in the microwave the other day. I told him to stop and that it was dangerous. He looked at me with a look that can only be described as apologetic and excitement all in the same, he said " I'm sorry mummy, I just have too!" as he pushed the start button. This gates energy craves new experiences.

This is the person who will try something just for the pure experience of having tried that thing. The need for constant change. The sense that the wheel needs to turn, not stop dead still in life. This gates energy isn't logical at all! it’s just the need to take a step, have something change and see what happens. Its abstract and impromptu and can be a fast track to all sorts of "I'm not sure how I survived that" type of situations. There is a cyclical nature to this gates energy. Its like a Disney movie, its wants a beginning, a middle and an end. Eager to explore, adapt, create change, and break new ground.  There is no way your looking back on life and regretting not doing it all!

The nature of this gate breeds a ‘seize the moment’ sort of person. As a part of the collective circuitry the experiences that are had are for synthesis and sharing with the collective. Its not a rinse and repeat energy. It doesn't want to re-do and re-do the experience to master it, it just wants to experience to see what happens. It can get stuck in this looping of abstract experience, fail, adjust, do it again, fail, adjust, do it again- slightly adjusting the experience each time to see what happens which can leave you with a bit of an expectation hangover when experiences are not as exciting as they seemed. People with this gate permanently activated in their chart can really become bored with mundane everyday life and it can see them constantly jumping into ANY new experience that presents itself just to have something to cycle through and experience. The voice of this gates speaks such things as " I feel like its time too...", " I get the feeling here is a change coming", "I'm feeling restless...". The trick to using this gate to cultivate pearls of wisdom to share with the collective. Strategy and Authority.

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Thirty Four


Gate Thirty Six