The Gate of Crisis.



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This is gate 35's bestie.. they go together like meat and potatoes. Gate 35 is that kid that has to touch the fire to see if it burns, gate 36 is the entire cycle of crisis that occurs after the fire has been touched and the fingers burned.

With this gate prominent in your chart you can be a real seeker for new experiences. An adventurer to the extreme, or the quiet explorer that likes to dabble in many different experiences. This gate is all about having an experience, living this life and feeling all the feels that come along with this human journey. The awareness of how you feel at the beginning of an experience, how you feel in the experience, the awareness of when your feelings shift & the awareness of when your feelings dissolve toward the end of an experience and not judging yourself for any of it is the mastery of this energy. Just allowing yourself to be in the experience, in the crisis, and allowing it to play out is key.

As a gate in the abstract collective circuit, the entire process here is about moving through cycles. Every experience has a cycle it goes through whether its a 25 year long experience or an hour. There is a beginning, a middle and a completion. Collecting wisdom from the cycles of your emotional wave as it passes through an experience, reflecting on, and then sharing your wisdom, is how this energy is of use to yourself and the collective.

It is named the gate of crisis as there can be a pressure to manifest crisis in your life when there is no new experience to be had. Creating a crisis or drama is ultimately an act of self-sabotage. It could feel as though there is always a crisis or drama in your life to be worked through. Profound emotional experiences become your teacher, not your enemy. They become your greatest source of wisdom.

There is soooo many variations of how this gate impacts a life all depending on other aspects of your definition. Emotional power to handle crisis, a resistance to change that will bring you crisis, embracing change but dwelling on the past, cynicism that there is and will always be a crisis. However it presents, there is one steadfast rule; wait a little before signing up to any new experiences. Feel out the space between accepting an offer and actually hitting the go button. This is the only way to be certain that the experiences you enter into are correct for you. Your wisdom is often earned the hard way.

What cycles of experiences have reached their completion for you to reflect on?

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Thirty Five