
The Channel of the wavelength.

The design of talent.

Collective (Understanding).

Creative channel - The Art of Mastery

Awareness stream of Taste

Type: Projected.

16- Enthusiasm, 48- The Well.

The gift of natural mastery

This is the combination of gate 16 (enthusiasm and natural skill) with gate 48 (depth to master your skill). Bringing together the energy of the throat center (expressive, communication) with the instinctual intuitive knowing of the spleen. This channel is your ability to be naturally skilful but also your ticket to mastery of that skill through repetition and refinement.

This channel is often seen in pro sports persons, famous artistic people, elite business people, generally people who have honed a skill over time, through talent and into mastery. Continual practice, training and repetition are needed to master a skill. Gate 16 alone has the natural talent and enthusiasm, it is Gate 48 that brings the yearning for the depth that mastering a skill requires.

Any spleen activation always comes nicely packaged with an underlying fear component. So there can be a very real fear here of inadequacy. That you will never know enough, be good enough, be skilled enough, be motivated enough to sustain your enthusiasm for your skill. That you’ll never have enough depth in the skill or talent that you are drawn to master. When this fear comes knocking look know that purely having that inbuilt fear running in the background means you can and have the potential to go to the level of mastery. Just see the fear with your mind and move though your body.

There are two challenges with this channel to be mindful of. First, you can divert your natural talent/ skills to assist another in mastering a skill of their own (which is totally fine, if your strategy and authority are onboard with this). Secondly, you are at risk of becoming a certification collector. By all means, be a lifelong student, developing yourself and refresh your knowledge honing your craft. But if you find yourself signing up for course after course in some sort of mind game to 'prove' your masterful in some area, you've placed your power of mastery into the hands of others for their acceptance or approval.

You have this superpower to become truly masterful at whatever it is that excites you in life. You cannot just use it on anything your mind wants too. I.E “if I get masterful at selling bitcoin then I can be rich”. Your focus and excitement to have the stamina to repeat and refine a skill into mastery, has to come organically to you. Then you will continue to have the energy for hard work and commitment to refining this skill.

Once mastered, you are like poetry in motion to witness. This is a creative channel after all “the art of mastery”. Once you have practiced and mastered your skill, you are freed of the pattern in that particular skill. You bring your own wavelength to it. It can almost be hard for you to teach others, or explain to others how it is you are able to do what you do. It’s ingrained deep in your cells.


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13/33 Prodigal


17/62 Acceptance