
The Channel of the Prodigal.

A Design of a Witness.

Collective (Sensing).

Type: Projected.

13- Fellowship of Man, 33- Retreat.

The gift of natural listener.

This channel is a combination of the listener (Gate 13) with the experienced alchemist (Gate 33). It is a direct channel from the identity center to the communication center of the throat. It is your ability to listen to the other. And more so then listen, you have a gift to be able to really witness other people in their sharing with you. You are then able pull on a memory, an experience, or a situation that you have previously alchemised into wisdom, then deliver that wisdom by way of a story or metaphor for the other to absorb.

It is a projected type channel so some recognition to share the wisdom is going to result in the feeling of success here and timing is crucial as to not be left in bitterness.

The essence of the Prodigal is that it is the embodiment of the ability to express the past for others. The past that which you have to have gone out and experienced yourself. You have to have past experiences to be able to distil those experiences and store them. They wait like little beautifully wrapped gifts in your memory, for the correct timing to have others open them up and receive that wisdom.

The gift of this channel lies in your ability to listen so deeply and witness another so intimately that it pulls an experience you once had, a lesson you once learned from your inner library that has the exact message and wisdom that the other needs to hear. This is someone who goes into the world to do, and experience things for themselves then returns to the village/tribe and shares the knowledge they found; a typical sentence of people with this channel begins by saying "I remember when.....”. You fill in the blanks and your story/ metaphor is so potent and powerful, so enriched with experience that the receiver feels the transmission energetically.

The flipside of this channel is you can become a dumping ground for everyone's drama’s and problems because your listening capability is felt to their core. Relatives and friends confide in you. Even strangers can offload on you while you line up at the supermarket. You may have heard many times “I have no idea why I'm telling you this..”.

When it is expressing in a not-self state, you may find yourself identifying with others dramas and challenges because you’ve experienced them yourself and subconsciously your experiences are connected deeply to your identity and who you are today. You must lean on your authority here to know which people to assist and which to steer clear of. Just because you're a listening ear for humanity it does not mean you need to carry everyone's agonies.

A useful tip for people with this channel: At the end of the day, end of a relationship, any big life experience, take a moment to reflect on it IF you feel called to, this is not a must. It is built into your design to storehouse your experiential memories. That being said, it is noted in source material that with this channel you should retreat and reflect after an experience so that you can learn from the experience, integrate all the insights and learning’s.

Now be mindful that this channel is a part of the collective abstract circuit. You cannot begin retreating and collecting wisdom from your experiences DURING the experience. You are to just be in the experience. Fully immersed and surrendered to whatever or however the story line plays out. Those are the experiences you will later have stories of wisdom to extract from.

If you have a natural interest in the past i.e. collective history or family photo albums or generational stories, trust in that exploration.


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12/22 Openess


16/48 Wavelength