
The Channel of Acceptance.

The Design of an Organisational Being.

Collective (Understanding).

Awareness Stream of Understanding

Type: Projected.

17- Following, 62- The Ponderance of the Small.

The gift of organisation.

This is the combination of gate 17 (the gate of opinions) with gate 62 (the voice articulating organised plans). It combines the conceptualising energy of the Ajna (concepts of the mind) with the action of the Throat Center (communication and manifestation). This channel is your ability to recognise patterns, organise, strategize, form plans but then articulate them in a way that is, frankly, hard to argue with.

You are designed to speak your mind. This channel often emerges with expressions like "I think it should be done this way...", or "This is what needs to happen...". You have a unique ability to future pace ideas/ campaigns/ systems to find the best solution of action to take. If someone is unsure of how to organise an event or how the logistics of a situation will come together your mind is able to formulate these plans. One thing to note; opinions of the Ajna (mind) are just that, opinions so it is always wise to never assume them for gospel. What may work in that moment may not apply in the next.

A trick to this channel is to always have all of your facts and details together before you give your opinion. It is okay to say “I’d like to go and fact check that”, or “Give me some time, I’d like to gather more details”. Do not feel pressured to give your advice or opinion when you do not have your facts in place.

This is a Projected channel. It works best to share you opinion of how something or somebody should be organised, through the patterns you are able to see, when you have been invited to do so. There is an aspect of this energy that can make you highly opinionated and may have you adopting a more forceful debating style when you have not been invited to. It may help you to know that misuse of this channel in an unhealthy way see’s damage occur to the right eye. People who hold this channel have a very keen right eye for spotting patterns in the now. If they do not wait for their opinion on that pattern to be invited they slowly lose that ability in the right eye. There is a pressure being forced down from the head here that brings you this urgency to speak your mind so just be wary of expressing unwanted or untimely opinions. Pay attention to your inner authority when you're on the verge of blurting out your recommendation, you will get the answer as to whether it is worth your energy exchange or not.

The superpower of this gate is your gift in forward planning. Not just brainstorming the ideas but you can also formulate actionable plans and pass them onto others to implement them. This isn’t the physical energy to be doing to doing yourself. You may have others motors that assist with that in your design though.

You are an organisational being. This gift can be applied in the simplistic form of how to approach a trip to the shops to the more in-depth running of campaigns or larger projects. But wait there's more!, not only are you able to future see, formulate and express the plan; you then have the cleverness to run your own plan back through the amazing mind filter of yours, spot certain patterns that may have occurred and have an opinion on how to improve your own original recommendation.

Engineering practical detailed plans is potentially a playground for you once this channel is mastered.


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16/48 Wavelength


18/58 Judgement