
The Channel of Judgement.

A Design of Insatiability.

Collective (Understanding).

Awareness Stream of Taste.

Type: Projected.

18- Work on What Has Been Spoilt.

58- The Joyous.

The gift of perfectionism that’s never reached.

This is the combination of Gate 18 (correcting) with Gate 58 (improve and bring joy). This channel is all about your insatiable logical talent of finding ‘faults’ and correct to make perfect. This is not necessarily people’s lives (although that can apply) but also systems, programs, structures, concepts, businesses, products, the layout of the kitchen cupboards… Whatever it is you see into deeply and are invited to offer your judgement on.

Now there is a clue! INVITED. This channel is a projected channel, therefore, for it to be effective it MUST be invited and asked for otherwise we all know how you’re going to come across. The 18th gate in particular has the capacity to challenge authority and so it is always looking to where it see’s an authority that is incorrect or unfair or not quiet right. It is hard to watch things being done in less than perfect or efficient ways, when you access to a very quick judgement on how to tweak the situation and improve the experience for everyone. Aagghhh frustrating. But what will be worse is where you stick your nose in uninvited, your suggestion will not be recognised and may be taken the wrong way - judgemental, over opinionated, always looking for a challenge, never happy with the way things are.

This energy can be exceptionally challenging and can be tricky to manage and master. Rule of thumb is; “do not give your judgement/ opinion or fault findings unless you have been asked”. Save your energy for the person/ situation/ task that sees this ability in you.

You may find that your mind is always correcting and perfecting things but when you are actually invited something completely different comes out of you. This is a collective channel it is not individual. Therefore the sharing of your corrections are pulled from you by someone from the collective, what you ‘thought’ you were going to say is not what comes out, what comes out is exactly the tweak needed. And if nothing come’s out, you have nothing to share and that is perfect too. Surrender to that.

You’re not correcting and making things perfect to suit your own standards or for your own benefit; your gift is in the ability to see the alteration that need to occur for everyone to feel more joy in an all round better situation (the joyous in the 58). When you have no invitations for your judgements you may find yourself turning this channel inward and focus on correcting and improving yourself. This is not productive, nor what this channel is for. You are simply trying to release this pressure from the Root center that can built up here. Physical energy (of course following strategy and authority) can be very helpful for people with this channel to shift stagnant energy that gets trapped and relieve that inward turning of this channels gifts.

Keep in mind that the correcting process is actually more important here then then finished result.

“For true perfectionists, perfection can never actually exist, there are only ascending levels of mastery”

// Richard Rudd.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


17/62 Acceptance


19/49 Synthesis