
The Channel of Transitoriness.

A Design of a Jack of All Trades

Awareness Stream of Feeling.

Creative Channel: The art of accomplishment.

Sexuality Keynote: The Channel of Sexual Talent.

Collective Circuit: Sensing.

Type: Manifested Channel.

35 - Progress.

36 - Darkening of the Light.

Now that’s livin’ Barry.

This is the combination of gate 36 (the gate of crisis and emotional experience) and gate 35 (the gate of the change, constant movement and new experiences). It connects the home of emotions, the solar plexus, to the manifestation and communication energy of the throat. Whether you know why you do it or not, this channel is why you seek emotionally charged experiences. The energy of this channel sees you constantly craving new experiences to see what depth of emotion you can awaken by having that experience. You have a talent for seeking adventures and involving others in them. Accomplishing new experiences and having many a story to go with it to share. This channel is along the experiential way it is abstract and is here for the collective. The greatest teacher for the abstract being is the past. The wisdom is always gained after the experience occurs.

So why would there be such a channel? what a roller coaster of emotion you've designed yourself to constantly ride. It so you can learn to surrender fully to the emotions each new experience brings and be fully in the now of each experience you sign yourself up for. The journey or thrill of having the experience is what you enjoy not the actual outcome. Always remember, your inner authority is emotional. Your clarity and wisdom in life is not in the peaks or troughs of the emotional wave, but in the moments of calm after each wave subsides. That is where you gain the clarity to know which experience is for you to have and which are not.

This channel can see you inventing drama's or crises just to have an experience especially if life has gotten a little boring and mundane and you have no new experiences happening. Having this awareness about yourself is powerful. You can recognize when you are heading down this path and pivot yourself towards a more productive, less self sabotaging way to have a new experience. Partners or people close to you in life may always be saying "but I thought you liked that job?", or "but we only just moved here?". It would be wise to let them in on your innate need for new experience and constant change. You may not be the Manifestor type, but it pays to remember this is a manifested channel. Once you have reached emotional clarity and decided to go for that new experience it will serve you best to inform those close to you of what you're about to embark on.

Mastery of this channel is in the awareness of your own emotional clarity BEFORE you jump into any new experience. Not every shiny new thing that pops up is for you. Give yourself time to run it through your emotional wave and come to a place of calm before you sign up for that course, enroll in that program, move your family across the country, end that relationship or buy that thing. If you've come to a place of calm and you still want to have that experience then GO FOR IT! you're perfectly designed for it.

People with this channel often are unsure why they do the things they do. If you can imagine a child with this channel you may find they touch things they have been asked not to, or get themselves into all sorts of random new experiences. When asked “why did you do that” you may be met with an “I don’t know”. There is often a lot of truth to this. This is not a logical channel that works on repetition or patterned behaviour. It is an experiential channel that fundamentally is fuelled by adrenalised pressure from the root system to have a new experience. It can be a little impulsive and unpredictable. But that is exactly why we love them, they keep us on our toes and show us that life’s for living Barry.


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34/57 Power


37/40 Community