
The Channel of Power.

A Design of an Archetype.

Stream of Awareness.

Sexuality Keynote: The Channel of Encouragement

Circuit: Integration Channels

Type: Generated Channel.

34 - The Power of the Great.

54 - The Gentle.

Trusting in the life.

This is the combination of gate 57 (Intuition) with gate 34 (power). It connects the instinctual energy of the spleen to the energy powerhouse of the sacral. This is your potential to become a true archetype of power when you trust in the life and the response of the sacral. To show the world what true surrender and trust in the body can look like.

You are born with an empowering intuition. When using your senses for responding and the feeling in the body to take action, your very swift to decide on an action and move into output mode. You're the go to person in a moment of crisis, If the building was coming down I would be looking which way you are running and following suit. There can be a fear of the unknown associated with this channel. It is only once you learn to surrender and trust your body knows how and when to move (much like an animal instinctually does) that you can be truly free of that fear.

This superpower is often drawn to helping others in crisis, and jumping into action to save the day. There is truly a superhero quality to your response time when another person is dis-empowered or down on their knees. You can start work at 9 am and be making revolutionary decisions by 9:05 am and you hit your stride. This powerful energy with the gentle nature of your intuition has the ability to spring others into action when they are in your auric field. Yell the words "GO, GO, NOW" and watch how nobody bats an eyelid as they jump up and do exactly what you say.

While saving the day and achieving massive change brings you satisfaction, it can also leave you exhausted and frustrated when you've applied your gift to situations that were not in alignment with your strategy and authority. If it is a life and death situation, Yes! spring into action. If it can wait, attune with your authority and discern if the situation is one that you are getting involved in because it feels correct to be putting your energy into or because you feel you should. If it’s the latter, let it go.

This channel is deeply auditory. You may find you are clairaudient and can hear intuitive guidance and messages. Another way of saying this that is less woowoo is that when a speaker is speaking you may hear the true meaning or get a difference frequency to what their words are actually saying. You possess the ability to hear changes in the tone of a person's voice and can intuit things from this change of tone.


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32/54 Transformation


35/36 Transitoriness