
The Channel of Transformation.

A Design of Being Driven.

Awareness Stream of Instinct.

Sexuality Keynote: The Channel of Encouragement

Tribal Circuit: Ego.

Type: Projected Channel.

32 - Duration.

54 - The Marrying Maiden.


This is the combination of gate 54 (drive and ambition) with gate 32 (practical ambition), bringing together the intuitive, instinctual awareness energy of the spleen and the adrenal pressure and drive of the root center. This channel is all about your ability to have big ideas and dreams for the tribe to progress and go beyond, and also the drive and ambition to succeed through applying yourself. This channel can quickly become the channel of the workaholic if not made aware of your drive, ambition and need for recognition in your success.

This is the difference between a dreamer and someone who gets sh!t done. There is an underlying need here to achieve to be recognised and make it big in life. Simply put this channel wants to make money, do better, and climb the ladder no matter what it takes. If you are triggered by having this channel in your design I suggest you explore that and work on removing that block ASAP. Because this channel's gift is your birthright! It gives you an intuitive awareness of what ideas, projects, job paths can and cannot be transformed. Where it is worth placing the adrenalized energy of the root center and where it is not worth it. Now in saying that this channel is a long way from the throat so it is not about manifesting and bringing ideas into form. It is the more the physical drive and awareness to work, succeed and be recognised by your tribe as someone who has the nouse to take us all beyond what it is we first came as.

Sometimes the energy of this gate can be distorted by fear of failure. The energy here isn't a go at it alone type of energy. To rise to the top you're going to need the support of the tribe. That is where this fear of failure stems from and can polarize your progression. It is a tribal channel and so there is a major theme of support. The need to be supported as you climb the ladder and also the awareness to not forget those who supported you along your quest.

With the right support behind you, your drive and ambition will see you head straight to the top. Keep your integrity and only engage in ladder climbing that is of a win-win nature. Ensure you keep a balanced approach to your success and know that the root center works in a pressure type fashion that always wants to do more and finish so that it can relax. Work-life balance is a must for you with your drive to succeed you can get lost in the hours. When you find that balanced approach you discover that your support team always rallies to your side with your next ambitious adventure.

If you are feeling the pressure and adrenalised stress but feel as though you are running on a hamster wheel you may need to find another outlet for this pressured energy. Anybody with Root to spleen activations can have this sort of build up occur. It is a good idea to get involved in some sort of physical activity or exercise for the build up for the roots pressure to have a healthy outlet.

It can be uncomfortable for people with this channel to let go of situations that have seen them succeed, or high end positions inside of the work/ career life. Position of status that you have worked hard to be recognised for. Perhaps keep in mind if you were being recognised for who it is you are naturally, or were you being recognised for all of the things you could achieve when you work yourself to the bone?

Letting go of what has been gained can be difficult, however running into roadblocks constantly could be the sign that it is time for a change. Time to find a new ladder. Only your strategy and Authority knows.


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30/41 Recognition


34/57 Power